Please join us for the launch of a new report on decarbonising home energy. The report presents the findings of a citizens’ panel run in collaboration with the Climate Change Committee (CCC). In the panel, 24 members of the public worked with analysts from the CCC to design a package of measures to support UK homeowners in bringing home energy use down in line with the UK’s 2050 net zero commitment.

The report will be used as evidence for the CCC’s advice to government on decarbonising domestic buildings.

The event will be chaired by Professor Rebecca Willis, leader of the Climate Citizens project and co-author of the report.

Speakers include:

  • Chris Stark, Climate Change Committee
  • Jacob Ainscough, Lancaster University
  • Elizabeth Blakelock, Citizens Advice

You will also hear from panellists who took part in the projects about their experience and message for government.

Register here.